第3章 参考文献2 CAMICO加入申込書
Part Ⅲ:Firm Profile(事務所概要)
17. List name(s) of all proprietors, partners, or stockholder(s). Please use
Narrative Response Sheet (Part Ⅶ,Page5)if necessary.
Name | Title | Professional Organization Memberships |
Year of CPA License |
18. Firm Staff
CPAs | Non-CPAs | Total | |
Owners | |||
Non-Owener Professionals |
Non-Professional Staff |
Total |
19. Does the Firm employ professional per diem personnel? □Yes □No
Total number of staff per year___________Total number of hours per year___________
20. Has the staff size of the Firm changed±25% during the past three years?
□Yes □No
If yes, please explain on Narrative Response Sheet(Part Ⅶ, Page5)
21. Has the Firm or any member of the Firm ever:
a. had his/her certificate, license, or permit to practice suspended or revoked?
□Yes □No
b. been subjected to any disciplinary action by any state board of
accountancy, State Society or the AICPA? If yes to (a) or (b), please explain on Narrative Response Sheet(Part Ⅶ, Page5)
□Yes □No